Fea de Lamon (The sheep of Lamon)
The Lamon or Lamonese is a breed of sheep from the area of Lamon. In the past it was widespread in several provinces of Veneto, Trentino and Friuli but currently this breed is present mainly in the municipality of Lamon and in some other municipalities of the Valbelluna. In the last century, several breeders attempted to increase the size of these samples by cross-breeding them with the ‘Bergamasca’ to obtain an improvement in the production of meat. In the past the breed Lamon has been widely used in transhumance moving according to the seasons, from summer mountain pastures to plain land on the banks of the rivers that cross the Veneto plain. As a matter of fact, these animals are very resistant, excellent walkers and grazers, therefore suitable to transhumance since they also don’t require any special shelter. Once considered a triple-purpose breed, it is currently bred mainly for meat production. With the abandonment of mountain areas and the job of shepherd in the interested areas due to socio-economic causes, the number of Lamon sheep has dropped dramatically; from about 10 thousand sheep in 1960, in 1990 there were still 600 samples, while at the beginning of the 2000s just less than 300.
Currently it is bred in a few small farms (herds of 10-15 sheep), whose breeding system involves rearing in winter, pasturing in the fields surrounding the farms in spring and autumn (as in the area of Mount Coppolo in the Municipality of Lamon), and sometimes sent to the Alps in summer. Since a few years, following the dramatic decline, two breeding farms have been set up to recover the native breed: the Livestock breeding center of Veneto Agricoltura (Villiago, Sedico, BL) and IIS " A. Della Lucia " of Vellai-Feltre (BL). These two farms currently hold about 1/3 of the Lamon sheep and through contacts with local farmers try to support the recovery of the breed, the breeders and the periodic replacement of rams.
According to the ARAV and Veneto Agricoltura data (2013), about 230 breeders in 14 different farms are registered in the Official Register of the Lamon breed.
Smoked Sheep Meat (Carn de Fea Nfurmigaa)
For this preparation it is used sheep meat, in particular lamb, hogget or wether of the local Lamon breed or of lambs derived from crosses between the native breed and Bergamasca or Biellese rams. The cooked product has an externally compact consistency, with a dark brown colour and an intense scent of juniper. The colour inside is pinkish. The taste is very characteristic, with a strong and salty flavour.
Preparation and cooking process: the carcass of the animal is hanged for 10 - 15 days in a cold store at a temperature of + 1 ° C and subsequently butchered according to the "taglio bovino" method, dividing the carcass into two equal halves. The meat is then put into glass tanks where it will macerate with a mixture of salt and pepper ( 70% and 30% respectively). The pieces are laid in layers, sprinkled with the mixture and left to macerate for at least 48 hours, during which the pieces of meat keep being repositioned.
The meat is then placed on grids and positioned in a smoking room where it is exposed to a cold smoke generated by sawdust of hard and white woods, such as beech and hornbeam, and juniper fronds.
The smoking process lasts from 4 to 5 hours, during which the meat is turned over several times until it is completely smoked. At the end of the process the meat is left to sit on the grids and once completely dry is removed and prepared for sale. It is sold in pieces of different sizes coming from different parts of the carcass.
Uses: the meat can be cooked on the grill (use also some white wine, being careful not to overcook the meat but simply bring it to temperature), it can be added to barley soups or cut thinly, like a carpaccio, with some lemon juice (in this case it is better to use the pieces of the thigh).
Availability: the “carn de fea" can be found in restaurants and in the local butcher shops.
Associazione "Fea de Lamon"
For more information contact the association "Fea de Lamon":